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“Success is a One-Way Road” – Powerful Interview with Spiritual Entrepreneur & Mentor Northern Deer

Today we’d like to introduce you to Northern Deer Alexander.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I started on what I like to call my “path” about 22 years ago. I was studying dentistry, but I felt a strong calling to become a spiritual entrepreneur and pursue another destiny. I began to travel, met a shaman, and got initiated. It was at that moment that I had my first profound realization as to who I am and what I am meant to be doing in this world. I decided to help people search for meaning, passion, and fulfillment in their lives as well. I believe that today, this is what we should be doing to transform business and entrepreneurship into something beautiful- because it can become something beautiful, rather than the cause of our planet’s destruction. I spent many years traveling the world, studying human nature and psychology, and surviving with no other means than helping people and transmitting knowledge. As I am not a traditional indigenous shaman, I was able to detach from the forms of shamanic knowledge and adapt it to the contemporary world, without losing its true essence. Today (and for the past 4 years), I live in Bucharest, Romania, and I am dedicated to helping people transform their lives through mentoring and personal coaching, seminars (both online and in-person), retreats all over the world, and our online spiritual academies. I have founded an organization called the World Of Wisdom & Spiritual Adventure (WOW). One of my main goals is to transform the energy and idea of money in people’s minds.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Well, I can safely say that there were a lot of them! To begin with, I came from a conservative Greek family and was not used to dealing with hardship. I have to admit that I was a bit spoiled. I had grown up in the mainstream system, going to school, studying, with my parents taking care of all of my needs. When I made the transition to follow my calling, I left the safety of my family, friends, and native country, and went traveling alone. I survived entirely on my own, trying to make a difference in my own life and in the lives of the people I met. At times it was tough, but I persevered, and I always managed to make things happen and to move towards my purpose. I lived like this for many years and gradually became more and more efficient and positive. I had to learn to do this. But I began to see the results in my life. It was part of my training, let’s say. I had to take the hero’s journey, and I did. In this type of inner transformation, one has to face all his fears — or many of them, at least. Yes, success definitely does not come easily but there is nothing more fulfilling than to prove to yourself that you ARE worthy, that you are capable of pursuing your dreams and manifesting the life you have always dreamed of deep down inside.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I am a contemporary Spiritual & Personal Development Mentor and have founded an organization/community called the “World Of Wisdom & Spiritual Adventure” or WOW. We organize all kinds of projects and activities, including seminars, conferences, retreats, and transformational trips to the world’s most powerful spiritual destinations. I have also created the WOW Academies, where we practice different types of meditation and empowering psychological techniques, such as Energetic Theater, Psycho-Energetic Empowerment, and others. I also conduct seminars both online and in-person, on a variety of spiritual topics, including Spiritual Entrepreneurship, and The Art of Relationships, methods that are used to transform our perception of ourselves and the world into a positive and powerful one. I help people build the confidence and personal power needed to succeed in the increasingly demanding world we live in today. I also provide personal coaching sessions both in groups and one-to-one. I focus especially on the psychology behind motivation and success, and their relationship. I also specialize in explaining the role our mental state plays in overcoming the obstacles towards our goals. I help people make important life decisions and raise their energetic vibration, which ultimately enables them to solve their own problems. The one person who can solve a person’s problems most efficiently is always the person themselves. The issue is usually that they are confused and/or have a low energetic vibration, which creates chaotic thinking and stress. My role is to intervene and bring in clarity, consciousness, and a higher energetic level, overall.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

That’s a great question. Well, first of all, people need to understand that here on Earth there is gravity, meaning a constant force dragging everything down, literally and metaphorically ( ie. psychologically). People who are unable to accept this reality generally fail in life. Life is like a training camp for our souls. Let’s say that you are an athlete and don’t want to accept training. If this is the case, you are going to fail as an athlete whether you like it or not. The fact is that training is hard. But it can also be very fulfilling. Our resistance to accepting this can make striving for success tough – to the point of quitting and failing. Most people fail because of this. Then there’s the Law of Vibration. This law states that you need to already have inside of you the energy of what you want to attract or manifest. If you want success, then you need to have motivation, confidence, joy, and openness – or any of the qualities that define success for you. Most people think that first, they have to succeed and that this will then give them the qualities they are seeking when in actual fact it is just the opposite. Not only this, but success cannot come from following the same old patterns. Success is always connected with creativity and the inspiration we feel in pursuing our goals. And last of all comes our level of consciousness. Success never comes mechanically or automatically.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

It is a golden state of being. But it is not just having millions in the bank. Money is an excellent manifestation tool, but life does not stop there. I know highly fulfilled and successful people who do not possess a lot of money but live a great life, meaning they are happy to get up in the morning to see their families and friends and follow their purpose, whatever this may be. Christ was successful, but he did not possess money. To have a goal that inspires you, feeling the joy of life and pursuing your dreams, having friendships and relationships based on the truth of each individual, and most of all having a love for the world and all the beings that share it — without losing our sanity, considering the insanities of this world– this, for me, is the true meaning of success. We all have something profound to share with the world: our true selves. And not our personalities or identities, (which we present when we introduce ourselves to someone) but rather our deepest, innermost soul, that we feel deep inside. Most people have difficulty accessing and expressing this part of themselves. In fact, most people are actually ashamed of this gift which is, in essence, their authenticity. This is what we have to change if we want to succeed – It is a one-way road. Successful people have done this kind of inner work within themselves, whereas the majority still leave in shame and fear.

What’s next for you?

This year we have a lot of activities planned. First of all, we are organizing two incredible journeys to Peru for an Ayahuasca ceremony and the transformation this brings. We have also planned to travel the Camino in Santiago De Compostela, Spain, as well as a power-hiking trip on Mount Olympus and a retreat on the island of Samothraki, in Greece. I will soon be releasing an online course on mentoring oneself towards one’s destiny, and am planning to create a new Academy based on Manifestation. I also plan on expanding my coaching work to include a larger number of clients and a multiple-tiered system. I would like to offer retreats in other places in the world, as well, but have not yet finalized this year’s program because of the current pandemic situation. In general, we have many exciting plans in store for the future, including a new podcast about empowering women, further developments in our youtube channel, and writing a book.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

You can visit our website: or send an email to the following address: The best way to get in touch is to come to meet me in person and connect with the WOW team at one of our upcoming events or trips. I especially encourage everyone to join us on our trip to Peru to experience the profoundly life-changing and transformative Ayahuasca Retreat. If you would like to transform your life and work with me personally you can get in touch at the email address above. Stay hungry for knowledge and transformation – you deserve it! Wishing you all the best, Northern Deer Alexander

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