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Sales Expert Bz Gidey Inspires Entrepreneurs With His Powerful Story Of Success And Failures

Today we’d like to introduce you to Bz Gidey.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

At a young age, I was always obsessed with the idea of reaching the pinnacle of success. Which, in my eyes, was wearing a suit and working a CEO, COO, or CFO level job in a corporation. I’ve always looked up to the idea of being at the top of whatever I do and I fell in love with business very easily. I moved to Seattle at the age of 2 with my mother and little brother. We lived with extended family and moved around a lot until my mother got a job and became a student at a local community college. We lived in low-income housing for most of my childhood and continued to struggle towards my mother’s dream which was to send me to college and keep us safe. My dad came home during my last year of middle school and changed my perspective of work ethic and changed the way I looked at hard work. From 14-17, I went through some of the hardest moments in my life, making bad decisions and hanging around the wrong people, doing the wrong activities, which led me to have a midlife crisis. At that point in my life, I realized I needed to change my life and from then I decided to use my addictive personality to strive for success. That’s when I started my Consulting Firm and Loan Brokerage.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Look man, I’ve lost thousands of dollars. I’ve been scammed. I’ve been backstabbed. I’ve been lied to. I’ve been cussed out and rejected. I’ve almost been sued over simple miscommunication. There have been points in my business where I lost all hope because I failed so many times that I could imagine winning. But I realized the more times I failed, the more times I succeeded. I realized that if I fail 10 times to succeed once then the more times I fail and learn means the more times I succeed. Never give up. I will never give up because I’ve already made it clear to myself that this is the meaning of my life and that without this I have nothing. Without a dream to work towards I have nothing else in life to look forward to. Perseverance takes courage. It takes courage to have $100 left and invest it in your business knowing you might go into debt next week. It takes courage to make money doing what you love when there’s no insurance. I spent too much time and dedication to quit now and leave everything I’ve done for my dream. Some things in life you have to just follow through no matter what. Just pray and take action. It’s simple.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

As a Financial Institution, BzCapitalConsulting specializes in helping American businesses achieve quick and easy funding through one-on-one client support. My company will offer one-on-one consulting that builds strategies from the client’s short and long-term goals. We don’t throw numbers down clients’ throats but rather find them solutions that make sense to their business plans and propositions. Each client will receive a plan and a list of services from business financing to large business acquisitions ranging anywhere from 5k – 2M in business financing/funding. We also have BzUniversity where we teach courses in sales, trucking and logistics, marketing and branding, and much more. It brands off our consulting firm and guides startups to getting to the next level of business to getting to that next level.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Ask yourself what your dream is. The majority of people already have a dream that they envisioned for themselves when they were younger. Turn that dream into a goal and run at it 110%. Persevere and never give up. Your work ethic matters and when you pair that up with consistency and perseverance then you’ll always win. You’ll never lose in life. Always fight for what you deserve and if you feel that you don’t deserve your dream then that means you need to work harder. You need to work so hard that there shouldn’t be a single thought of the idea of you not deserving success. You should work so hard that everyone knows you for your work ethic and how hard you work. And always be courageous enough to move to the next level. You should never be in your comfort zone. Life is better outside of there anyway.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success means everything. Success takes care of everything in life. If you’re not successful in life then you can not live a life that you’re happy about. Success takes a lot of failures and a lot of courage to strive for. I only respect success. I don’t respect you “trying” or “doing your best”. I want to see success and results. I want to see you succeed through failure and persevere through obstacles. If you fail then try and try again. Your biggest breakthrough comes after your biggest failure.

What’s next for you?

Right now we’re in the process of expanding our company and our brand nationally. Since we are still considered a startup amongst some business listings we plan on rising to the top in our industry and becoming a well-known authority in America. I want to help as many young and old entrepreneurs reach levels of success and freedom that they’ve always dreamed of achieving. In 5 years we will be a Fortune 500 company.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

Company Name: BzCapitalConsulting
Consulting Firm: BzUniveristy
Contact Person: Assistant Kristine Jacob
Loan Brokerage Website:
Trucking/Logistics Website:
Facebook Group w/ 14k+ Members:

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