Today we’d like to introduce you to Gershom Sikaala.
It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?
I have always had the courage to step out, believe in my personal worth, despite the naysayers around me. I have always followed that inner voice that always told me it’s going to be ok. I have found that the inner voice became my guide, and led me to where I am today. That’s why I have a passion to help people who are down cast and downtrodden. Faith is everything to me, some people may devalue their faith, but I strongly believe that faith makes us shine, despite what circumstances we face in life. I’m certain that no one is a stranger to challenges. It is important to take the right steps that will propel you to be on top of your game and in a position to help others. Never grow old always keep growing.I had to learn to overcome fear, and risk trusting people. Some turned out great
I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
In the words of the great freedom fighter Martin Luther King jr ” if you can’t run, walk, and if you can’t walk crawl” we are living in his dream today, and we remember the high price he paid, on this Martin Luther King jr day. That is the power that lies in a dream, it can either give you everything or take everything from you. As a result of his sacrifice, we are able to live as one with people of different ethnic backgrounds. As we celebrate today, I hope we also take the time to remember his suffering. When I was in high school many people told me that my dream to be a published author was impossible. During my high school years there was not even one published author.
Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
I have experience and I’m always learning new things, my goal is to be selfless. I’m passionate about seeing many people score the ball. I don’t want to be the only one with the ball, I love being a team player. I strongly believe that if others succeed, it’s my success too. We recently launched mentorship classes on meta study class. We would like to help many people walk in the path they were meant to walk, and have 1000X results. I say 10000X because many people walk through life without ever maximizing their potential. They have been boxed and are unwilling to step out of the box, yet there’s so much more they can achieve and do. I teach people to turn their setbacks into platforms. Setbacks can also be used as fuel to keep moving forward. I believe that identifying our setbacks helps us overcome them. All we need is to have the will power, and then the divine intervenes.
What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
I strongly believe that if others succeed, it’s my success too. We recently launched mentorship classes on meta study class. We would like to help many people walk in the path they were meant to walk, and have 1000X results. I say 10000X because many people walk through life without ever maximizing their potential. They have been boxed and are unwilling to step out of the box, yet there’s so much more they can achieve and do. I teach people to turn their setbacks into platforms. Setbacks can also be used as fuel to keep moving forward. I believe that identifying our setbacks helps us overcome them. All we need is to have the will power, and then the divine intervenes.
Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
For me success means living a life of significance, significance is a double edged sword, it’s never about one individual. Having Significance is having the ability to give back, we all have something to give. Till your own land, grow the crops, when you harvest give seed to others, so they can grow their own garden. Success is not just about achieving goals, It is also about having peace.
What’s next for you?
I just got back from Encounter weekend, in Las Vegas. I was hosted by my friends Chris and Carley Ritchie. We had an amazing time of refreshing and restoring hope in the hearts of many. People received flavor in their lives, that they can overcome whatever comes to challenge them. And that despite the past two years of living in fear and uncertainty about the future. I strongly believe that 2022 will be a year of fresh hope and a lot of blessings from above. I’m looking forward to our Thursday meetings at the Americana Community center, at 7 pm. Our meetings are all about reconnecting our lives back to purpose.This is In Addition to launching our online school on January 25th. Our school is centered around equipping people to live a life of greatness by impacting communities and the nations, while bringing change. All this is based on biblical principles, it’s about changing world changers and igniting hearts.
Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?
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