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Game Changing, Professional Life Coach for Female Leaders

Today we’d like to introduce you to Samantha Buckley-Hugessen.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

Thank you so much! Love being with you. Well, I am like most of my clients. I am midlife (I hope), married, self-employed and business owner, raising kids. My husband and I reinvented ourselves about 15 years ago in our early 40’s. We left the life of working and grinding for bosses. Packed up our then 2 and 4 year old kids and moved from Canada to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I had spent decades in the corporate world running divisions and departments, coaching and training people, I decided to pull the ripcord, be present and raise my kids while doing work I really loved. So, I studied and became a certified professional coach, and my hubby also turned his hobby into his career and owns a web design company. We purposefully decided to do work we love; in a place we love. I mean we pinch ourselves daily. Ok, not daily, but we for sure are in such gratitude for all we have.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

I have discovered over the years, almost no one’s success came easily. My childhood was really rocky to say the least. My mom was married 7 times. I mean, imagine the chaos and instability that comes along with that kind of environment. There were a lot of men around, abuse, and a completely absent parent. Unbelievably, I started falling in her footsteps, I married my own abusive, alcoholic at 22 (divorced at 26). Thank God, I got support. There was a lot of therapy that took place for me in my 20’s. (laughing) There were also a lot of great lessons and experiences that made me the woman and coach I am today. I got to make a decision, victim or victor? Notice I said I GOT to make a decision; it was an opportunity to decide for what I was going to do with my life. With no real parenting or guidance, I grew up fast. I had dropped out of high school, got my GED, went to college, dropped out of college and luckily, I did end up getting a great job that taught me how to truly be a business manager, not only that, but a great leader. I worked hard, I cried a lot, I was tired, I traveled to my offices a lot, but I made a lot of money and created the security I so desperately wanted my entire life. Woohoo, yay me! I changed the trajectory of my life.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I have been a professional certified coach for more than a decade. As i mentioned I am midlife, in my 50’s I know, I act like a kid, but I do have a ton of experience in Successful Life’ing! (Laughing)

Back in 2019 I wrote my first book UNS*UCK YOURSELF “The Guide to Designing A Life You Love” and it became an International bestseller. This is the work I love doing in the world. I love working with women like me. Women who are high performers, in business, at home, in life. We are everything to everyone and my clients deserve “Their safe person” that person that knows how lonely it is at the top. The person that they can share weakness and dreams with. Someone to listen and motivate, to mastermind with and hold them accountable to their goals. To be that non-judgmental and unbiased sounding board. All of my clients are women in business, and I absolutely love helping them design lives that they love living. I am their partner. It really is the best work I have ever done. I don’t think really about competition, “what is meant for me won’t miss me” I mean that is true for everyone. We just need to be in action and alignment.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

#1) Get support, get a coach.

#2) DECIDE. So many people wish. Don’t wish, DECIDE. you can look that word up in the dictionary to really understand it.

#3) Let go of the HOW and replace it with WHAT. What you would love to have or be in life and WHAT are some actions you could take towards it? The HOW is what people get hung up on and then comparison, not enough, not deserving, blah blah blah starts in and what follows is procrastination. so let go of the how and decide for what.

#4) Let go of perfection. Do it IMPERFECTLY. You will probably make mistakes, AWESOME! This is how most of us learn. Make mistakes early and often and learn from them.

#5) I am going to say it again, hire a coach. A great coach will expedite your results.
And lastly, 

#6) Make sure your coach has a coach or mentor. I dislike hypocrites.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Living a life, you love. In my case it is raising kind, responsible kids to adults in this world. It is time freedom and money freedom, to rest, to play, to work, to travel as I wish. It is having the means to give and donate money and time in the areas of my highest interests. It is being and staying in love with my husband after 20+ years.

Success to me is simple, it is uncomplicated, it is a long peaceful exhale.

What’s next for you?

Interesting question, i am already doing what is next for me professionally. I mean I work with a dozen or so incredible women one on one. I get to mentor and coach a couple of kick ass women’s mastermind and mindset groups.

Alex my hubs and I are about to build our Dream home. It will also be a place where I can hold space for my VIP clients to come and stay with me overlooking the Pacific Ocean and farmland of El Pescadero, Baja California Sur. I mean AMAZING! My Neighbor is Chip Connelly, the founder of Modern Elder Academy and around the corner is the TOPIA Retreat center. We have a ton of farm to table restaurants in walking distance, the vibe and energy of the area is pretty magical.

What I am not going to is travel for work too much. A lot of coaches need to go speak on stage and attend networking events to gain clients. Not really my thing. I mean I enjoy speaking and training on stage, I have done it my whole life. But my life by design, is travel for fun, and coach from wherever I happen to be in the world. Love on my family, friends, and fur babies. Stay out of traffic and chaos! Pretty simple and lovely life by my standards.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

I am not for everyone, I mean, I am known to be direct and potty mouth and I have no intention of changing. So, I encourage people to reach out on my website, there are a few different ways to work with me, but we need to decide if we are a fit. I mean of course, It goes both ways. I have to feel I am the best for my clients, and my clients need to decide how serious they are about Designing their lives. It’s not easy, but it is fun, and it is worth it, this I guarantee! So, first thing I would suggest is go to my website: and click the WORK WITH SAM link and let’s meet.

Or people could get my book UNS*UCK YOURSELF “The Guide to Designing A Life You Love” it is also on Audible if you want to drive or walk with me. “laughing”

And then I have the usual social of course.

Instagram: @ a_designed_life_llc/

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