Today we’d like to introduce you to Charisma Carson.
It’s an honor to highlight your success on our platform. Do you mind telling us about the things you’ve been able to accomplish?
Certainly, I’m humbled to have finally finished a project called Smart Wealth University. SWU offers an array of financial services for an affordable price. I’ve been working on this particular project for quite some time now. I had to build it out into steps and stages.
I went and networked with people in the particular services I was going to be offering to my target audience. It was important to me to have great services so that I could be amongst the top in my field.
Tell us about some of the memories you’ve made on your journey!
I’ve made so many memories on my journey but the one that stands out the most is when I was sitting on the plane and I was stressed out rushing to the airport. I forget my carry on bag with my laptop.
I was sitting next to this older gentleman he was maybe in his late 60s. We had a long conversation and I remember he told me, “whatever you’re chasing in life make sure that people actually know who you are. Don’t be so engorged in your vision that you never stopped to take a deep breath and realize what life is really about.”
At that moment it hit me and from that very moment, I started spending more time with the people that matter to me the most. I started telling them more of who I was. Believe it or not my close family members didn’t know some of the most simple details about my life.
Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our audience?
Yes, your life is not an audition this is the stage you’re the main character. Don’t wait for the right time Just do it.
Finally, how can people connect with you and learn more about what you do?
Instagram CharismaCarson
My DMs are always open.