Today we’d like to introduce you to Sunset Baby.
It’s an honor to highlight your success on our platform. Do you mind telling us about the things you’ve been able to accomplish?
The things I’ve able to accomplish so far would be being able to do my own music that is a big key to everything I do, another accomplishment would being able to perform at Onyx in Philly, and having a mini tour doing shows through the tri state of my hometown and my biggest accomplishment yet would be securing two features with No1-Noah and ElijahTheBoy!
Tell us about some of the memories you’ve made on your journey!
My favorite memories would be the people I’ve met along the way, the experiences and the obstacles I’ve had to go through to get here, no matter how tough or good they’ve been it’s made everything about me.
Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our audience?
My final words for the audience reading is, I hope you come along for the ride and enjoy all the music and videos we will be putting out for everyone.
Finally, how can people connect with you and learn more about what you do?
All my social handles will be: Sunset Baby, or copy the link below.