Today we’d like to introduce you to Justin Bosley.
It’s an honor to highlight your success on our platform. Do you mind telling us about the things you’ve been able to accomplish?
First and foremost, thank you for having me. It’s an honor to be here. I am the Founder & CEO of Justin’s Collectables and Direct Essentials. LLC. Starting in August of 2021 both companies will be merging into one under the Direct Essentials name. This is really exciting because now you will be able to purchase everything on one site. I believe this is a great move for our customers. You will be able to purchase all kinds of things including hygienic products, sports merchandise, men’s and women’s clothing, replica stadiums, replica historical sites, and much more! It’s a really exciting time!
Tell us about some of the memories you’ve made on your journey!
There are definitely a lot of memories and treasured moments. I am extremely grateful for my family and friend who have been incredibly supportive of entrepreneurial ventures! I am also grateful for West Virginia University and the team at the Business Startup Center. They have been very helpful and insightful in the process of trying to keep and grow businesses within the state.
I also greatly treasure my customers! I wouldn’t be here without them.
Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our audience?
Work Hard. Fail Often. Be resilient, and make as many connections as you possibly can.
Finally, how can people connect with you and learn more about what you do?
You can connect with me on Linkedin!