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Empowering Black Men To Live Extraordinary Lives

Today we’d like to introduce you to Coach Michael Taylor.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I like to think of myself as an irrepressible optimist with a passion for the impossible. I believe there has never been a better time to be alive than right now and I believe black men are thriving throughout society despite what you may see in mainstream media.

I have been speaking and writing about black male empowerment for more than 25 years and I have made it my mission to empower black men and men of color around the globe to reach their full potential.

I have always been passionate about books and personal development, therefore I launched a publishing company that focuses on transformational education programs for men.

I noticed there were very few resources for men of color dealing with personal growth and transformation, so I decided to create a movement for them called Shatter The Stereotypes ( which is based on a book I wrote titled, Shattering Black Male Stereotypes. The intention of the movement is to showcase and highlight black men who are doing remarkable things in the world. I currently host a podcast and will be launching a television show based on this movement during the summer of 2023. During the show, I interview men of color from around the globe and we share insights and strategies that support black men in changing their mindsets and attitudes so they can embrace the possibilities of creating the life of their dreams.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Like too many black men, I have experienced every imaginable type of racism you can imagine. I once had a gun pointed at my head by a racist guy who said he didn’t like nig^#@ers. In addition to experiences of racism, I’ve had several instances of being the “first” black person in several corporate settings and had to deal with a wide variety of micro aggressions and not being judged by the content of my character.

I’ve also had the experience of being called a sellout by people of my own race because of choices I’ve made and my unwillingness to accept that I was a victim of society. I’ve been attacked by black people simply because of my irrepressible optimism.

On a more personal note, I had to overcome being a high school dropout, divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure, depression, and being homeless for two years living out of my car. I was living the American Dream at 23 years old and that dream turned into a nightmare approximately six years later.

Despite these adversities, I have come to know that every adversity we go through actually brings us a gift and a lesson if we’re willing to look deeply enough, and I have been fortunate to turn my adversities into stepping stones to live the life of my dreams.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I am an author, (12 books) a certified life coach, motivational speaker, and podcaster who is committed to empowering men and women to create extraordinary lives. I like to think of myself as a thought leader who empowers others to change their mindsets and attitudes about themselves so they can embrace the possibilities of creating the life of their dreams.

My focus has been on black male empowerment where I offer books, online courses, webinars, lectures, and seminars dealing with personal growth and transformation. I also focus on empowering men and women over 50 to change their mindsets about aging so they can make the rest of their lives the best of their lives. It is my belief that black men are thriving despite what mainstream media focuses on and it is our responsibility as black men to change our inner narratives about ourselves and not act consistent with negative media generated stereotypes.

I am also deeply passionate about spirituality and supporting others in finding their unique truth and creating intimacy and connection to a power greater than themselves.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

For and foremost it’s important to be optimistic. There are a lot more things that are right with the world than are wrong with it, so it’s important to begin with a positive mental attitude.

Next, you must be willing to be 100% responsible for how your life turns out. You can’t blame society, your race, your parents, your lack of education, your ex wife/husband, or your lack of financial resources. Your success is entirely up to you. Embrace the mantra, “if it’s to be, it’s up to me.”

It’s also important to invest in your own potential. In other words, you must be willing to engage in your own personal transformation by being willing to commit to constant and never ending improvement. This means, reading books, taking classes, listening to audio programs, and realizing you have an infinite capacity for learning. It also means minimizing the amount of negative information you allow into your mind. In other words, don’t pay attention to the negative news.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

I believe every human being has a divine purpose and it is our responsibility to figure out what that purpose is. Our purpose will be found at the intersection of that which we love to do, and that which the world needs. Each of us has unique gifts and talents and when we figure out how to use those talents to make the world a better place, then we have found our purpose.

Finding your unique purpose and making the world a better place is how I define success.

What’s next for you?

I’m really excited about a new movement some friends and I recently launched called The Brothahood of Kings. It is a movement which was created to support men of color in embodying authentic masculinity. Through the movement, we are launching a series of online courses and webinars, a virtual mens group that meets every Saturday, and we recently released a new book titled: The Brothahood of Kings – Empowering Black Men To Embody Authentic Masculinity. The intention is to empower black men to create extraordinary lives by helping them change their inner narratives and mindsets about themselves so they can embrace the possibilities of creating the life of their dreams. Find it here:

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

My primary website is and they can contact me by email at

My black male empowerment websites are:

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