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Dei-Rasi Freckleton is Helping Thousands to Thrive Online in the New Economy

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dei-Rasi Freckleton.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

19 years ago my dad got fired from his job for doing his job right. I was a little kid back then but something stirred in me, that I was not going to simply grow up and work for someone who could then decide that I’m no longer needed. One of the main reasons why this was a pivotal moment for me was because my family back then was more or less living in abject poverty and the loss of that kind of household income was almost a deathblow. Years later I became a burnt-out high school teacher, but started to recognize that if I am going to stay true to my promise made as a kid, I would need to have lots of high incomes, and have these on autopilot. Today, after years of researching, I’ve developed businesses in multiple fields and have been teaching others how they too, do not have to be stuck where they’re currently at. I’m a Success Coach, Motivational Speaker, E-Commerce Specialist, Communication Strategist, Crypto-elite, Educational Psychologist and Author.
There are persons who would believe that I woke up one day feeling bold, confident and courageous, but this is not so.

I have been broke and broken. I know what is it like to have all these ideas but unsure how to enact them. However, after investing some time to work on myself my vision became clearer and I realize that there were other families who needed pertinent financial guidance so, here we are.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

The obstacles I’ve had to overcome started from I was a child. I did not attend elementary school as most other children. In fact, there was a time I was not attending school at all and life would have dealt me a few harsh blows. I mentioned that because years later I realized that there were many who had gone through similar situations and for the majority, they had remained on that chapter of their lives so, I had to conquer fear and discover my voice as I’d suppressed so much of me.

Many persons who know me now would have never guessed that I was a very shy introvert.

Other challenges I had ranged from lacking in all kinds of resources, and as such I’ve embarked on a mission to annihilate the barriers others may think still exist.

I’ve had to shift my mindset completely and adopt a new way of thinking. Believe me, it was not easy, as I’ve had to invest more in myself and after having my vision cleared I had to invest in the right coaches to support me as I broke through my limiting beliefs and started creating my new reality.

Success does leave clues and I’ve been helping many others to be focused on their success journey as it varies from one person to the next.

I had to be painfully focused because not everyone who started out with me have remained constant so never take your eyes off the prize you’re after.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

If you have a cellphone/computer and the internet, I can teach you how to create and maintain wealth.

My generation was not around to be on the ground floor of the Gold rush, or the Oil discoveries or even the dot com revolution, but we are uniquely poised on the threshold of financial revolution.

I was made aware of cryptocurrency back in 2010 and like most people at that time I casually dismissed it.

In 2016 I started to take a closer look as some of my mentors (Rob Fraser, Frank E. Calabro Jr and Keith L Jones) were heavily investigating it and I was modeling much of what I did off what they did.

Cryptocurrency is the new-wealth-way and Blockchain is the revolutionary technology behind it, so I’ve developed systems aimed at taking what was broken with other opportunities, and making them 10X better.

So, if persons are in network marketing, e-commerce, affiliate marketing etc. opportunities, I’ve been able to make their earnings scale higher than they were before they met me.

Through my course “Crypto-Elites” anyone can learn how to actively and passively generate high incomes with a myriad of cryptocurrencies or even the blockchain.

My other course “Affiliate Copy Ninja” ???? gives hands on training on generating massive incomes from reselling other people’s services or products.

My clothing store has an affiliate component where ANYONE can resell my merchandise and make lots of cash while doing it.

I teach you how to make and multiply your monies.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

There is no right or wrong way to be successful, but there are steps you can take to become more successful based on your definition of your goals.

Success is a concept that’s different for every person. Whether it means having a great career, a home or a family, success is that great thing that everyone aims at achieving. When you do have success in your goals, it makes you feel proud, gives you more motivation to do well, and you know you’ve made an impact in a competitive world.

Here are 5 tips that I pray will help you:
1. Being COMMITTED – what largely separates those who succeed from those who don’t, is the fact that while many may start, very few stay committed.
2. LEARN to have FUN on the Journey – Do not suck all the fun and life from the journey, by solely focusing on the results of the accomplishments. If the journey to achieve something becomes too tedious, it will be more challenging to succeed.
3. Be Opened to Change – No one is extremely left or right. Learn how to change your perspective to turn a challenging situation into a better one… A bad minute is NOT a bad day!
4. Eliminate DISTRACTIONS- Learn how to shut off your phone and put it in a different room when it’s time to focus on your goal.
5. Avoid BURNOUT- It’s important to focus on your goal, but do not obsess over it.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success for me means that process by which I get to a goal I have conceptualized, planned and executed, with the outcome being favorable. However, I also like to infuse this bit when I’m speaking with others on success.

What is it that provides a source of motivation for you to POSITIVELY change your life and your values?
That (when you discover it), will be the secret sauce of any success journey.

What’s next for you?

My current focus is on building DEI (Doing Everything Intentionally) University. We will be a global revolution as many of the current systems serving us are broken and many people do not know where to turn that will provide authentic knowledge and solutions.

So, be on the lookout for more courses (free and paid), books, events and programs my team and I will be planning and executing for people aligned with my mission.
My mission is to have as many people being able to Retire While Young, and I am really excited for all the impending self-analysis and self-discoveries that will be made on top of those who already have been making them under my tutelage.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

People can get in touch with me from my main site
I’m also on Social Media sites:
Instagram @dr_freckleton
TikTok @dr_freckleton
Twitter @dr_freckleton

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