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Health Expert Dr.Paul Inspires The Masses That They Can Become Healthy, Sexy, Fit & Confident

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr.Paul Henning.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I was in University when I got, ‘that call’, a call that no son ever wants to ever receive. I found out, at the age of 25, that my dad had died. I stood there, holding the phone to my ear, listening yet not listening. I was overwhelmed with feelings: I wanted to scream, cry, and most of all I just wished there was something I could do to make my dad be alive again. However, there was nothing I could do to bring him back. In that moment, even though I was not a father, I decided, when I did have kids, I would do all I could to live a strong healthy life so I could be present for my children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a total surprise to lose my dad while he was still relatively young. My dad was great at many things, however, he had not mastered his health. After grieving the loss of my father, the man who had shaped my life so much, I went on to get three degrees ( A Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate) in Exercise Physiology. I was determined to not only live the healthiest life I could but also to help others live their healthiest lives. During that time I also got the opportunity to write blogs for a well-known expert. This is when I began to learn more about the metabolism and metabolic reset, which ultimately led to me creating my program: High Calaber Academy.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Yes, with all of life there are challenges. One of the most challenging things out there is that there are lots of myths on what you have to do be slim and fit. Most of these myths make people feel like they have to starve themselves or exercise for hours- neither of which are healthy or sustainable ways to achieve your health goals. I tried one of the popular non-meat diets before and found myself hungry, bored with my food choices, and feeling very low on energy. I quickly ditched that diet (meatballs had never tasted so good!) and quicky went back to feeling better. I also tried working out in the gym sweating and grunting for hours and at the end of the day I had wasted a lot of time and had very little results. As I began to apply the principals of the Metabolic Reset I soon found out I could eat a lot of really delicious food and work out for 30 minutes a day while seeing massive results. The difference between trying all of the fads and trying something that worked were day and night differences. All of a sudden I began to loose fat, gain muscle, and look & feel great, which led to me having an increase in confidence in all the areas of life.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

Thank you for asking. I am an Army officer and one of the first things that we are taught in the Army is how to be a leader that leads by example. I carry those principles of leadership into what I do with the High Caliber Academy. I am currently a Senior Officer, Lieutenant Colonel. Many of the roles I have played in the army have built up my skills and experience in working with men and women who are high achieving individuals as well as it has given me the opportunity to learn how to best prevent injuries & help people exercise safely after injuries. For 8 years of my 18 years (and going) service in the Army, I was in charge of warfighters’ fitness & health. I was training soldiers and Special Force officers on nutrition, how to better their performance & physical and mental wellness. Through High Caliber Academy, I now help regular moms, dads, retired officers, and others to also be trained in the same techniques. I bring years of professional experience to my personal health & fitness coaching programs. I specialize in helping my clients not only get the body they want but also helping them to get the health, mindset, and habits that they also want and need. I proudly empower my clients to become the sexiest, fittest, healthiest, & most confident versions of themselves.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

I want everyone to understand that success starts with your health. Many high-caliber individuals are natural leaders. As leaders, they are accustomed to serving others and putting others’ needs before their own. While servant-leadership is truly one of the best ways to create success, impact, and positive change in the world, it needs to be coupled with good health. Many leaders are so busy helping others that they forget to help themselves.

My best piece of advice would be to start treating yourself like you treat others. Start taking time for yourself, for your goals, for your family, for your health, and for your dreams. My other piece of advice is that NOW is always the best time to start your health journey. Don’t wait for tomorrow.

I want to let people know, just like they are always helping others, that it is ok, to step out and ask for and seek help. When you work with a health coach they don’t only give you knowledge but also give you both the accountability and encouragement that you need to take the daily steps to reach your goals. A good coach will pull out the best in you and remind you that you can do it even on the days you feel like you can’t.

The final thing I want to remind people of is that it doesn’t have to be hard. If you are tired of yo-yo dieting, bland food, or being exhausted, reach out to me.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success is putting forward my best effort in whatever my endeavors are. Whatever rewards are created by my best efforts I see them as my success. Success is also working towards leaving a legacy, creating influence & encouraging others towards positive change. Being able to help other people’s lives become better is very important to me and believe that is why we are all on this planet. I believe that whatever gifts have been bestowed upon us are there so we can use them and ‘gift’ others.

I believe success is not a destination, but rather it is a path. However, whenever I set up a goal, the first thing that will determine if I am able to achieve and succeed in the goal is having a very clear destination and determining what results I am seeking. After that, I break down my goal step by step and create a daily action step success plan. I encourage others not only to have a big goal of what success looks like but also to decide each day what success looks like for that particular day.

I am a big believer in developing a strong mindset. I believe that by putting ourselves in challenging situations we are able to strengthen our ‘success muscles’ and we develop stronger more courageous mindsets. A key to success is getting out of ‘our comfort zone’ so that we can get into ‘our success zone’ and build up our resilience & character so we can experience growth.

What’s next for you?

In the Army my next steps will most likely include being a Commander of a large organization and being in charge of directing and managing a significant amount of people, resources, and finances. For High Caliber Academy, I want to grow to help over 1000 high-achieving individuals to put their health first, lose weight, feel great, and achieve their health goals and dreams. I want to help my clients have the health they deserve so that can have longevity as well as live a quality life with those they love. I don’t want anybody’s life to be cut short like my dad’s. I want to live my life to the fullest and help others do the same.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I am very passionate about helping others become the sexiest, healthiest, fittest version of themselves. If that is something that appeals to your readers they can reach out via email or phone. They can also learn more about me at my website:
My Telegram & What’s Up Phone Number is 1-850-570-8050.
My email is

s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I was in University when I got, ‘that call’, a call that no son ever wants to ever receive. I found out, at the age of 25, that my dad had died. I stood there, holding the phone to my ear, listening yet not listening. I was overwhelmed with feelings: I wanted to scream, cry, and most of all I just wished there was something I could do to make my dad be alive again. However, there was nothing I could do to bring him back. In that moment, even though I was not a father, I decided, when I did have kids, I would do all I could to live a strong healthy life so I could be present for my children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a total surprise to lose my dad while he was still relatively young. My dad was great at many things, however, he had not mastered his health. After grieving the loss of my father, the man who had shaped my life so much, I went on to get three degrees ( A Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate) in Exercise Physiology. I was determined to not only live the healthiest life I could but also to help others live their healthiest lives. During that time I also got the opportunity to write blogs for a well-known expert. This is when I began to learn more about the metabolism and metabolic reset, which ultimately led to me creating my program: High Calaber Academy.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Yes, with all of life there are challenges. One of the most challenging things out there is that there are lots of myths on what you have to do be slim and fit. Most of these myths make people feel like they have to starve themselves or exercise for hours- neither of which are healthy or sustainable ways to achieve your health goals. I tried one of the popular non-meat diets before and found myself hungry, bored with my food choices, and feeling very low on energy. I quickly ditched that diet (meatballs had never tasted so good!) and quicky went back to feeling better. I also tried working out in the gym sweating and grunting for hours and at the end of the day I had wasted a lot of time and had very little results. As I began to apply the principals of the Metabolic Reset I soon found out I could eat a lot of really delicious food and work out for 30 minutes a day while seeing massive results. The difference between trying all of the fads and trying something that worked were day and night differences. All of a sudden I began to loose fat, gain muscle, and look & feel great, which led to me having an increase in confidence in all the areas of life.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

Thank you for asking. I am an Army officer and one of the first things that we are taught in the Army is how to be a leader that leads by example. I carry those principles of leadership into what I do with the High Caliber Academy. I am currently a Senior Officer, Lieutenant Colonel. Many of the roles I have played in the army have built up my skills and experience in working with men and women who are high achieving individuals as well as it has given me the opportunity to learn how to best prevent injuries & help people exercise safely after injuries. For 8 years of my 18 years (and going) service in the Army, I was in charge of warfighters’ fitness & health. I was training soldiers and Special Force officers on nutrition, how to better their performance & physical and mental wellness. Through High Caliber Academy, I now help regular moms, dads, retired officers, and others to also be trained in the same techniques. I bring years of professional experience to my personal health & fitness coaching programs. I specialize in helping my clients not only get the body they want but also helping them to get the health, mindset, and habits that they also want and need. I proudly empower my clients to become the sexiest, fittest, healthiest, & most confident versions of themselves.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

I want everyone to understand that success starts with your health. Many high-caliber individuals are natural leaders. As leaders, they are accustomed to serving others and putting others’ needs before their own. While servant-leadership is truly one of the best ways to create success, impact, and positive change in the world, it needs to be coupled with good health. Many leaders are so busy helping others that they forget to help themselves.
My best piece of advice would be to start treating yourself like you treat others. Start taking time for yourself, for your goals, for your family, for your health, and for your dreams. My other piece of advice is that NOW is always the best time to start your health journey. Don’t wait for tomorrow.
I want to let people know, just like they are always helping others, that it is ok, to step out and ask for and seek help. When you work with a health coach they don’t only give you knowledge but also give you both the accountability and encouragement that you need to take the daily steps to reach your goals. A good coach will pull out the best in you and remind you that you can do it even on the days you feel like you can’t.
The final thing I want to remind people of is that it doesn’t have to be hard. If you are tired of yo-yo dieting, bland food, or being exhausted, reach out to me.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success is putting forward my best effort in whatever my endeavors are. Whatever rewards are created by my best efforts I see them as my success. Success is also working towards leaving a legacy, creating influence & encouraging others towards positive change. Being able to help other people’s lives become better is very important to me and believe that is why we are all on this planet. I believe that whatever gifts have been bestowed upon us are there so we can use them and ‘gift’ others.
I believe success is not a destination, but rather it is a path. However, whenever I set up a goal, the first thing that will determine if I am able to achieve and succeed in the goal is having a very clear destination and determining what results I am seeking. After that, I break down my goal step by step and create a daily action step success plan. I encourage others not only to have a big goal of what success looks like but also to decide each day what success looks like for that particular day.
I am a big believer in developing a strong mindset. I believe that by putting ourselves in challenging situations we are able to strengthen our ‘success muscles’ and we develop stronger more courageous mindsets. A key to success is getting out of ‘our comfort zone’ so that we can get into ‘our success zone’ and build up our resilience & character so we can experience growth.

What’s next for you?

In the Army my next steps will most likely include being a Commander of a large organization and being in charge of directing and managing a significant amount of people, resources, and finances. For High Caliber Academy, I want to grow to help over 1000 high-achieving individuals to put their health first, lose weight, feel great, and achieve their health goals and dreams. I want to help my clients have the health they deserve so that can have longevity as well as live a quality life with those they love. I don’t want anybody’s life to be cut short like my dad’s. I want to live my life to the fullest and help others do the same.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I am very passionate about helping others become the sexiest, healthiest, fittest version of themselves. If that is something that appeals to your readers they can reach out via email or phone. They can also learn more about me at my website:
My Telegram & What’s Up Phone Number is 1-850-570-8050.
My email is

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