
From Tragedy to Triumph: How Ravinna Raveenthiran is Disrupting Real Estate with Nesti

Ravinna Raveenthiran

In a competitive world of tech-driven startups, one visionary entrepreneur, Ravinna Raveenthiran, is making waves with her real estate tech company, Nesti. As the founder and CEO of Nesti, Raveenthiran’s journey to the top was not without challenges, but her perseverance and innovative mindset are transforming the real estate industry. With a focus on technology, transparency, and consumer empowerment, Nesti is on a path to redefine how real estate professionals interact with clients.

Early Struggles and Lessons in Resilience

Ravinna’s success didn’t come from a silver spoon or a series of lucky breaks. It’s deeply rooted in the lessons she learned through a series of profound personal losses. At the age of 14, Raveenthiran faced the devastating loss of her father. Eleven years later, her grandfather passed away on the same day, further shaping her outlook on life and work.

“These experiences taught me that life is fleeting and fragile,” she says, reflecting on how her losses instilled a deeper sense of purpose. “They gave me the motivation to build something meaningful and long-lasting—something that would not only honor my family’s legacy but also create a positive impact in the world.”

It was these losses, coupled with the experience of navigating toxic environments and challenges, that hardened her resolve and instilled a spirit of resilience that continues to fuel her success. She shares, “I’ve learned to turn pain into power and failures into lessons. Criticism has been a vital force behind my personal and professional growth.”

Entrepreneurial Spirit and Early Success

By the age of 19, Ravinna was already laying the foundations for her future. She started investing, showcasing a maturity and financial acumen rare for her age. At 21, she ventured into the beauty industry, launching Melano Skincare, a brand designed for women of color. The goal was more than selling beauty products—it was about creating a brand that celebrated self-love, empowerment, and diversity.

“The beauty industry lacked representation,” she explains. “Melano Skincare was my way of addressing that gap, of giving women of color products that celebrated their beauty and uniqueness.”

Her skincare brand saw immediate success, with products flying off the shelves and landing in exclusive spas. However, at 24, she took a significant leap, purchasing her first investment property, igniting a passion for real estate that would pave the way for her next venture.

Nesti: Empowering Real Estate Professionals with Technology

Ravinna Raveenthiran

Ravinna Raveenthiran

In 2023, at the age of 25, Ravinna launched Nesti, a tech startup with a mission to revolutionize the real estate industry by leveraging cutting-edge technology to address the pain points experienced by realtors. Many real estate professionals struggle to find qualified leads or effective marketing solutions, and Nesti seeks to bridge that gap.

“Nesti was born out of the need to simplify and enhance the real estate process for both agents and clients,” Ravinna says. “I saw how disconnected real estate professionals were from high-quality clients, and Nesti’s AI-powered platform provides solutions that bring transparency, empowerment, and streamlined communication.”

Nesti’s goal is to be an all-in-one platform for real estate agents, brokers, and lawyers. Ravinna envisions Nesti as the “Shopify for real estate,” offering tools that help professionals navigate everything from marketing to client management.

The platform doesn’t just focus on business; it also brings in educational elements, ensuring that buyers and sellers alike are well-informed. This creates a more balanced, transparent relationship between all parties involved. “Our vision is to foster more trust in real estate transactions by equipping professionals and consumers with the tools and knowledge they need,” she explains.

Personal Growth and the Power of Spirituality

One of the most inspiring aspects of Ravinna’s journey is her commitment to personal and spiritual growth. After years of self-reflection, therapy, and spiritual exploration, she reverted to Islam, a decision that brought new meaning and focus to her life.

“My faith has taught me the importance of integrity, compassion, and resilience,” she reflects. “In business and life, it’s crucial to remain aligned with your core values. I aim to create a positive ripple effect through my work at Nesti, ensuring that we’re doing good, not just for our company but for the community.”

Her deep connection to spirituality is reflected in her leadership style. Ravinna believes in authenticity, transparency, and empathy as guiding principles in both business and life. These qualities have helped her build a strong, motivated team at Nesti and have shaped the company’s mission to create more informed, equitable real estate transactions.

Challenges and Growth

Despite her early successes, Ravinna’s journey has not been without its difficulties. Navigating societal expectations, complex family dynamics, and the pressures of leading a tech startup as a woman of color have presented numerous challenges. However, Ravinna has faced these head-on, using adversity as a stepping stone to even greater achievements.

“I’ve faced a lot of criticism along the way,” she admits, “but I’ve learned to see every setback as an opportunity for growth. Each challenge has made me stronger, more resilient, and more determined to succeed.”

Her growth mindset and commitment to continuous improvement are evident in the way she runs Nesti. She’s always looking for ways to innovate, pushing her team to think outside the box and challenge industry norms.

A Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, Ravinna’s vision for Nesti is bold. She envisions the platform growing into a multi-billion-dollar enterprise that reshapes the real estate industry. Nesti isn’t just about profits; it’s about creating a lasting impact by fostering better relationships between real estate professionals and clients.

“I want Nesti to be a company that breaks barriers and inspires others,” she says. “I hope to be featured on Forbes’ 30 Under 30, not for personal accolades, but as proof that women of color can thrive in the tech space and lead innovative companies.”

As she continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible, Ravinna’s focus is also on mentorship. She hopes to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs, particularly women and minorities, to take risks, innovate, and carve their own paths in the tech and real estate industries.

Lessons from Ravinna Raveenthiran’s Journey

Ravinna’s story offers important lessons for entrepreneurs and those facing adversity:

  • Turn Challenges into Opportunities: Every obstacle is a chance to grow stronger and more resilient.
  • Stay Authentic: Success should never come at the expense of your values.
  • Continuous Learning: Always seek feedback and strive for improvement.
  • Trust in Your Vision: Follow your intuition and remain committed to your long-term goals.
  • Make a Positive Impact: Use your platform and success to uplift others.

As Ravinna Raveenthiran continues to grow Nesti and work towards her goal of reaching 1,000,000 users through Nesti’s app waitlist and newsletter, she is not only transforming the real estate tech space but also leaving a legacy of innovation, empowerment, and positive change.

For more information on Ravinna Raveenthiran, visit her LinkedIn profile and follow her on Instagram @ravinnaravi. To learn more about Nesti, visit the Nesti website.

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